Permission, Rejection and Outrageous October ♾️⛈️🌻

Dear amazing social impact change makers

This month, I invite you to join me in a challenge my coach has set for me in the past.

Outrageous October 🎉

I invite you to play by yourself or come join us an play as a group.

Reply hell yeah, if you'd like to join a 30 minute session, 4 October, 2.30pm UK time.

The session will energise and inspire you, in being more outrageous this month.

What's Outrageous October?

Everyday - ask for something 'outrageous'.

It could be something small or big, it's all play.

Today I'm going to ask a CEO I know to share my book with 3 other CEOs.

I had a client today apply for promotion, they said 'I'm doing something outrageous for me and putting my name out there'

The challenge is an opportunity to...

  • Change norms around us.
  • Step into your power.
  • Accelerate change in any part of our lives.
  • Carry a different energy to cultivating change.
  • Maybe getting some extra discounts when you don't expect it! 😆

Ask yourself... When and where do you...

  • Disempower yourself by not asking for something?
  • Become small by waiting for permission?
  • Shy away from asking because of fearing rejection?
  • Passively ask for something that you really want to happen?

Outrageous October is a practice that leans into...

  • Speaking up with COURAGE and LOVE
  • Empowering you and your thoughts
  • Your version of rebel leadership
  • Not asking for permission
  • Being OK with rejection of your ideas
  • Being more of you! Belonging to you and your ideas.
  • Your Courage, Your Ttuth/ Your Love!

For me...

It's also about coming from spirit not from ego.

It's not about being greedy, it's about cultivating change in a playful way.

Let's play this month 🎉

I invite you to play solo or come join us an play as a group.

We'll have a 30 minute session to energise and start Outrageous October

4 October. 2.30pm UK time - check your local time here..

Reply Hell Yeah, we'll send you the zoom link the day before.

In the session, we'll decide on a date to check in during October about our month!

PS. An idea of how your team can work with me.

Looking to create a different space for your team?

Let's talk about sessions on connection, courage and trust.

Last week I ran four away-day sessions for an organisation on: connection, grief because of redundancies, courage and what next...

End of the day it's about everyone thriving, together right?

And a tune...

Te Amo
Atmos Blaq
Spotify Logo

Mohammed Ali (The Innovation)

If you are working on social impact and social justice this is a newsletter to energise your journey - sign up by adding your email below

Read more from Mohammed Ali (The Innovation)

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